Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another Type of Tamale!

So I tried another type of tamale guys!
It was the kind wrapped in corn husks so I was like okay I've had this kind all my life but noooo. For some reason these lovely hondurans see no need to fill it with anything. So imagine my covert surprise when I finished my (basically a block of masa) tamale without encountering cheese or meat of any kind. Literally just masa, at least they squirted some mantequilla on it to make things a little more interesting. 2 down 18 types of tamales to go? Vamos a ver.
OH and more importantly, this week FOUR OF MY LITTLE INVESTIGATORS GOT BAPTIZED. So I guess that means I can come home now? JK I like it here I'm never coming back. 

Martes: We went to lunch with the elders after our meeting and this place was so posh, we actually sat down and had menus and the plates had P.F. Chang's written on them. But in the end I just ended up paying double for chicken and tajajdas that weren't even that good hahah. We also went over the baptismal questions with our kids, they're super shy but as we go over the same things over and over again, they are starting to learn. 

Miércoles: My comp thought that her cold was worse than mine like not that this is a competition or anything but my nose has literally bled because it was so raw. haha she was only sick for two days poor thing and I've had a cold on and off since I got here. \
When we had Pollolandia for lunch at Hna Ana Rosa's (she feeds us lunch almost every day, idk if I mentioned that) And she gave us our plates and I was like yo where's my tortillas so I guess Honduras is changing me because a month ago I didn't understand why they had plates with fried chicken, fries, and two tortillas. 
We had Heydi, Suyapa, and Rosa over at one of the member's house so that they could meet the elder that would be interviewing them for their baptisms and so that they could feel a little more comfortable. Also we needed to get them away from their house, it's really crazy with kids running around and chickens and its cramped and dirty. We watched a video with them and gave them soda and churros, I think it was good, they're so quiet it's hard to tell sometimes! 
We visited Marybelle because I hoped she would make me tea haha but she ended up giving us dinner and I swear that woman makes the hottest, freshest, tastiest tortillas I've ever had. Also she made us liquados and like everyone here loves liquados and they are super good but they're really just super basic smoothies. Like one time we were ordering them and I asked for a banana chocolate liquado with granola and I swear it was almost the end of the world they could not even fathom 3 ingredients in a smoothie they were like dang woman isnt banana and ice blended with milk enough for you?? So yeah haha, maybe one day Honduras will graduate to smoothies. 

Jueves: We brought The Testaments, over to one of our investigators house to watch. After all three girls showered, their mom went to the bank, and one of the neighbors came and plugged in a dvd player for us to borrow, we finally watched the video! It's about when Jesus visited the Americas after his crucifixion and resurrection and I like it a lot. The girl that we're focusing on teaching, Tania, was crying by the end. I really hope she felt the spirit of the message because she's been praying for an answer if the Book of Mormon is really the word of God. She's really great and she came to church last sunday but she's really faithful in her own church, she's been going by herself for 4 years and she's only 16. Like that's awesome, I know that when I was that age I wasn't that focused on religion. 
Also I was thinking about how in Norway we drove around for like an hour trying to find something to eat before we boarded that slooper and here literally every other house is a pulperia. I love it. I wanna be a pulperia owner when I grow up. Literally all you do is hang out at your own house until someone comes up and asks to buy something and then you give it to them, get money, and go back to chilling. 

Viernes: Left the house at like 7:15 to go make hamburgers because Elder Ashton and Montiel's investigators need to raise money to get married. So like yeah we're helping clean and cut vegetables and I wanted to kick a puppy because the knife I was using on the onions was the dullest thing in the world and it was sharpened by three different people over the course of the day. And these ladies we're telling me to be careful and I was like honey, I've worked prep where I cut like 50 lbs of carrots in one day and I used to sell knives like I know what I'm doing, haha. Anyway, a whole bunch of catrachas came and they set up the tables and put some more wood in the horno and they were like okay, we're gonna assemble these hamburgers and they started making these patties with basically pureed beef that could not hold any form. But I was prepared to not have real burgers beforehand when someone referred to the patties that they were going to make as meat tortillas. These lovely ladies also did not understand that there is a proper order the the assemblage of hamburgers, also they put a ton of this really liquidy sauce inside but we were bagging up the burgers for later. So yeah we bought some burgers to help the fundraiser but they we're extremely soggy by the time we got to eat them! But my comp fried up so friench fries so that was pretty tasty haha. 
In one of our citas this lady showed us her newly made horno and mercy me it was the prettiest one ive seen! I wanna try to make one some day. All you need is dirt and sticks haha. I swear though, they are so cool. I'm going to have to take a picture of one. We spent more time prepping our kids for their baptism. Then they had their baptismal interviews with Elder Ashton and my comp and I had to leave so that we could make it to an appointment that Calpa was super excited about. But the lady turned out to be a little crazy and wouldn't let us talk and I about died when after my comp had tried for like 10 minutes to have an actual discussion with her finally just asked her to please shut up (in english, so the lady couldn't understand) but yeah I about died. She was saying that our church was the works of men and I tried calmly and lovingly reasoning with her but with some people you just have to thank them for their time and dip! 
So we went back to the member's house where the baptismal interviews were being held and the kids that weren't being interviewed were watching Tangled and I swear it almost killed me! 

Sábado: The day of the baptisms! I was literally so proud of these kids! We've been working with them for a while now and I loved teaching them how to pray and about the gospel, it's been great. It was difficult to find white clothes for all of the kids but the elders helped a lot and Hna Calpa sewed up their clothes (by hand!!) so that they would fit a little better. We were able to have a LOT of investigators at the baptism, so that was great. And the missionaries sang that primary song about baptism, I forget the name in spanish and in english, but it was really great. The kids were a little nervous to go into the river but Rosa (the youngest) was super brave and said she wanted to go first. One of the young men in our ward baptized all four of them, it was great. And after the baptisms we went to the house of Henry and Rosa's mom and gave them the cakes that we made and we ended up staying for dinner! These kids really like taking pictures, so there's a lot from that evening on my dropbox. 

Domingo: only two of the girls, Heydi and Rosa, showed up to church to be confirmed. We talked to the other two, Suyapa, and Henry after church, about the importance of recieving the holy ghost after baptism and how Jesus taught about the baptism of water AND fire. Oh and I gave a talk! Hna Calpa said it was good but she's my mom, she has to say that. But yeah it was about when Jesus came to the americas. And I love that topic. The Book of Mormon is true.

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