Thursday, January 14, 2016

Y'all Live in a Sauna!

Martes 29 de diciembre
We passed by this little building that said they offered massages and a sauna. Why go to a sauna when you could just sit outside in a towel and sweat. Yall live in a sauna.

I tried to explain burritos to my companion idk if she understood just how amazing they are  "its basically everything you could ever want wrapped in a flour tortilla"

Miercoles 30 de diciembre:
Today I asked a recent convert if she knew who Joseph Smith was and she said "El hijo de Dios" and I was like uhh and then tried to explain to her what a prophet was and we finish and i ask her to say a prayer before we leace. And she almost says in the name of Jose Smith, Amen and my comp and I were like ahhhhh what did I just do?!?!?!? I just confused this poor lady for life. 

In the evening we all headed with the 5 ladies that always do everything for Relief S
ociety to the hospital and handed out juice and sandwiches and sang christmas carols. That was all fine and dandy in the waiting room but then we went to the pediatric ward and seeing all the niƱos in there for the holidays was so sad. we sang away in a manger. 

Jueves 31 de diciembre: 
We keep finding less active members when we're contacting! 
Also this area is so small that we're afraid of accidentally contacting it all.
So we just basically contacted all day because its New Years and all that but in the night time there were some pretty sick

so I dont have any more time to write but this was a crazy week I hope I can write more later but we'll have to see....I dont think so.

But today was the best pday Haight and Crosgrove came to visit well their whole zone actually and we played tackle football and then played with water balloons and then out for lunch. it was prime, and a nice distraction because holidays are kind of hard in the mission- 

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